Video Podcast
What's is a Maverick's Cove Videocast? - Here's everything you need to know.

Podcasts were originally audio-based. They were first developed in 2004 by MTV video jockey Adam Curry and his software developer friend Dave Winer. They coded a program dubbed “The iPodder,” which allowed them to download radio broadcasts on their iPods. That’s where the name podcast sprang from. - This is why podcasts are being associated with audio productions and not video.
Over the last few years, podcasts and videocasts have witnessed exponential growth.
Social media platforms (e.g. TikTok Shorts) have become optimized for video in recent years. Short, bite-sized clips of a video podcast will increase the content’s shareability and reach on social media.
You can get our Videocasts (with karaoke sub titles) in our playlists at Youtube here:
@Mavericks - playlist Podcasts:

@PoM - Peace of Mind - playlist PoM Podcasts: