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Help Keep our Journalism Free and Independent !
In today's world, where large institutions often control the flow of information, independent journalism like MAVERICK's COVE plays a vital role in offering unbiased, diverse perspectives. - Traditional media has been shaped by governments and corporations with access to vast resources, sometimes leading to misinformation and the suppression of alternative viewpoints.
Since my early days as a cultural journalist and media producer in radio broadcasting (FM) in 2005, I’ve dedicated my work to upholding the principles of independent journalism. With the democratization of publishing through the internet, anyone can now create and share information. But this also comes with challenges like fake news, media distrust, and an oversaturated marketplace.
Despite the overwhelming flood of information, there’s still a demand for credible, high-quality content. Independent journalism shines a light on hidden truths and holds those in power accountable. It offers readers the ability to form their own opinions based on unbiased reporting or analysis, depending on the outlet’s approach.
But maintaining independence isn't easy. - Without backing from major corporations or political parties, we @ MAVERICK's COVE rely on the support of readers like you. - Your contributions help keep this platform and community of Mavericks free from third-party interests, ensuring we can continue delivering fact-based, trustworthy news and deep-going journalism about (Mental) Health Care, fashion and the textile industry.
By supporting us, you’re not only investing in the survival of independent media but also in ensuring that diverse voices and stories continue to be heard. Whether it’s a one-time donation or a subscription (monthly/annual), your help makes our work a real difference.
Many thank's in advance by heart for noticing.
Sincerely yours.
Cpt. JayR
(founder/initiator of Maverick's Cove,
owner of DigitPaxMentis Corp.)
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