Legal Notice

Identity and contact details of the website’s publisher ...
Company name: Digit PaxMentis
Legal form: Sole proprietorship ( in Dutch: De eenmanszaak )
TRADE ID No.: 93196148 ( KVK no. @ Dutch Chamber of Commerce )
VAT (tax) number: NL005 01148 8B32
Postal address of the company’s registered office:
Corp. Digit PaxMentis (@Instagram)

Ceintuurbaan 106
c/o Stichting 't Huis Meppel (Leefstijlhuis)
7941 LX Meppel - province Drenthe
Telephone no.: +31-62-252-4901 (Customer Service Mailbox)
E-mail address:

Coming soon:
- The competent data protection authority (if required for your activity)
- Regulated occupation (trade qualification and link to the professional standards)
- Code of conduct (if required for your activity and link to consult the code)
- Confidentiality policy (processing of personal data of visitors and users)
Since the GDPR (General Regulation on the Protection of the Personal Data) took effect it requires in details to contain the following information :
- The identity and the contact details of the data controller (or of the data controller’s representative)
- The identity and the contact details of the “Data Protection Officer” if this post exists within your company
- The purposes of the processing as well as the legal basis which proves that you are within your rights to process the data (express consent from the visitor, legal obligations, etc.)
- The recipients or the categories of recipients of the personal data
- The possible transfer of data to another organisation or a third country
- The data retention period and the criteria used to establish the duration of this period. For example, for how long do you keep the data on record that were sent in to you using your contact form ?
- The visitor’s right to request access to his personal data held by the data controller, but also the right to rectification, amendment or erasure. The data subject also has the right to request that the processing relating to him be limited, or to object to having his data processed.
- The visitor’s right to request a copy of the data.
- The right to enter a complaint with a supervisory authority. The supervisory authority in Europe and Netherlands is the Data Protection Authority, see Dutch DPA.
- The information relating to possible profiling as well as the consequences thereof for the data subject.
- For full details on the obligations under the GDPR, please see the European regulation.
The use of cookies
No need to remind you what cookies are in connection with websites. However, it is worth noting that any given website often uses several cookies, and that the law requires you to provide some information for each of the types of cookies used on your website :
- Cookie name
- Purpose
- The way it works (in broad outlines)
- The legal status that authorises you to use this cookie
- The use of tracking tools
If you use tracking tools such as Google Analytics or Hotjar to analyse the traffic on your website and the behaviour of the users, for each tool used you also need to specify the name, the data collected, the purpose of the processing and the data retention period.
It is also important to enable visitors to refuse permission to be tracked during their visit for statistical purposes. As such, visitors must be given opt-out procedures which are generally available for this type of tools.
Some further information on Google’s confidentiality rules :
(1) Intellectual property
This paragraph should specify the elements of the website which are protected as being the intellectual property of the site’s publisher, and which may not be copied or reproduced in any shape or form, whether in full or in part, without permission.
(2) Disclaimer
The purpose of the disclaimer is to waive or restrict the liability of the site’s publisher with particular reference to gaining access to the website (possible maintenance or IT problems), the information available (accuracy of the information supplied, whether or not the information is updated on a regular basis), the hyperlinks (links to external sites), the possible comments from visitors (over which the owners do not always have direct control), etc.
(3) General terms of use
As the name says, the general terms of use set out the rules subject to which visitors may use the website. Here you need to specify the way in which the site in question operates and the rules that must be complied with when using/visiting the site. This can be particularly useful for the members’ areas, the forums, etc.